Ancient Greek temple

Democracy’s roots: Equality, freedom and inclusion in ancient Greece

Democracy flourished in Athens 2500 years ago — but lasted only about a century. Why was it so influential in the thousands of years that followed? And how do the struggles and conflicts of ancient Greece mirror our own? We explore these questions with scholar Catherine Zuckert, professor emerita of political science at the University of Notre Dame and visiting professor in ASU’s School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.

All Thought Huddle

Episode 19

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The necessity of trust in democracy

Many of life’s daily interactions depend on trust.

Episode 18

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Fragmenting society, with disinformation

The rise of advanced information technologies has resulted in sophisticated efforts to fragment American society — from foreign actors like Russia,

Episode 17

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Democracy’s roots: Equality, freedom and inclusion in ancient Greece

Democracy flourished in Athens 2500 years ago — but lasted only about a century.

Episode 16

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How America was built on slavery: Those roots can still be felt today

American capitalism was built on the backs of slaves and the slave economy — and not just in the South.

Episode 15

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On lynching and racial oppression: How white violence denies black innocence

The practice of lynching was originally used against British loyalists.

Episode 14

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Crises of their own: How nonprofits are creatively confronting COVID-19

Organizations serving the public during the crisis of COVID-19 are facing their own challenges.

Episode 13

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Love Sickness: Shakespeare, medicine and metaphors in a world of plague

Romantic love was long considered an illness — with some bizarre and harrowing treatments. 

Episode 12

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The most vulnerable among us: How the pandemic reveals inequities in health care and beyond

Poor and minority communities were at a disadvantage before COVID-19, but they are getting hit hardest now. Can the U.S.

Episode 11

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Testing is key: Attacking the virus with rapid response, robots and reliability

Reliable and fast testing is needed all over the U.S. to confront the spread of COVID-19. We talk with Dr.

Episode 10

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Conditions of contagion: The fears we face

In 18th-century England, viruses and bacteria were not understood — but the idea of contagion was part of the social fabric.