Ancient Greek temple

Democracy’s roots: Equality, freedom and inclusion in ancient Greece

Democracy flourished in Athens 2500 years ago — but lasted only about a century. Why was it so influential in the thousands of years that followed? And how do the struggles and conflicts of ancient Greece mirror our own? We explore these questions with scholar Catherine Zuckert, professor emerita of political science at the University of Notre Dame and visiting professor in ASU’s School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.

All Thought Huddle

Episode 9

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Time for caring: At home — and on the frontlines

In this time of coronavirus crisis, how do we best care for others and ourselves? And how do nurses in particular manage amid this pandemic?

Episode 8

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The Black Death: Pondering a past plague during today’s pandemic

Editor's note: This is the first program in a series addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Episode 7

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Aliens: A world beyond

The notion of aliens from other planets often conjures images of flying saucers and little green men. But could they really exist?

Episode 6

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Future visions, past reflections

How do we think about the future in precarious, uncertain times?

Episode 5

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All about dogs

Dog owners are wild about their dogs. It's hard to overstate the power and poignancy of this human-canine bond.

Episode 4

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Alzheimer’s disease: Holding on to humanity

The journey of Alzheimer’s disease is unpredictable, baffling, a loss for the sufferer and painful for the family — yet can offer unexpected gifts.

Episode 3

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Hot and habitable: Creating sustainable cities

In this episode, host Mary-Charlotte Domandi speaks with three sustainability experts who explore the challenges Phoenix and other “extreme” cities

Episode 2

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Yes, we monitor what goes down the drain

Rolf Halden studies the impact of dangerous chemicals on human health.

Episode 1

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Alexander Hamilton: A Maker of America

This is the story of Alexander Hamilton: the man, the nation builder, the dueler and the now-legendary musical.