Global Locust Initiative
Local, national and global affairs
ASU's USAID projects provided economic benefits to US
Environment and sustainability
The hidden cost of the American food system
June 03, 2024
Environment and sustainability
New research shows transdisciplinary approach is needed for successful locust management
May 20, 2024
Science and technology
Climate change could mean more intense locust outbreaks, threat to food security
September 29, 2022
Science and technology
Like marathon runners, locusts carbo-load before a long journey
August 13, 2020
Science and technology
Locusts abroad are ravaging vegetation and crops in record numbers
February 14, 2020
Environment and sustainability
Global Locust Initiative wins USAID/OFDA grant to launch pilot project in Senegal
November 27, 2018
Environment and sustainability
Solving a pest problem that's been plaguing us
April 13, 2018
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