The Eugene D. Valentine Collection is a whimsical repository of approximately 800 pop-up books — each considered an intricate work of art.

Buffalo in an open landscape surrounded by mountains.

A new study involving ASU researchers examined the presence and absence of mammal species over 6 million years to reveal that at various times, endemic animals — those that were found in only one region — disappeared from the fossil record, a long trend that likely resulted from some mammals being able to travel to new regions as immigrants rather than evolving there.

ASU sign against a blue sky

Eight students who will have traveled nearly 4,000 miles from their native Peru will be arriving at ASU this fall as part of the Beca Cometa scholarship program.

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It's really important for us to have ASU students using this equipment to be employable the day after they graduate and that they stay in Arizona. We need these brains to stay here, and we’re so proud to be part of this.” Read the story

Barbara Dow One of the donors behind the Scott and Barbara Dow Lab, ASU’s newest analytical and physical chemistry teaching facility outfitted with nearly $1 million of cutting-edge industry instrumentation

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