'Young Lakota' film addresses activism, reproductive rights, sovereignty

The greater ASU community is invited to attend a pre-screening of the documentary feature film "Young Lakota," which examines the lives of three young people from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and their journey through a political storm.
When South Dakota passes a law to criminalize abortion, tribal president Celia Fire Thunder challenges the law – threatening to build a women's clinic on the sovereign territory of the reservation – in order to provide reproductive health care services. As a result, these young people must make important decisions that define them.
The screening, to take place Friday, Nov. 1, in Neeb Hall on ASU's Tempe campus, will begin at 4:30 p.m., and the feature-length film will be followed by a facilitated panel discussion.
Watch the official film trailer here.
"Young Lakota" is directed by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt and is executive produced by Heather Rae. It will air on PBS’s Independent Lens in November 2013.
The event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by ASU Womyn's Coalition, in partnership with American Indian Studies, Women and Gender Studies in the School of Social Transformation (both academic units of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), ASU's American Indian Council and NARAL ASU.
Follow Young Lakota on Tumblr: younglakota.tumblr.com.
For additional information about the event, contact ASU Womyn's Coalition at asuwomynsco@gmail.com.