Sawers to present paper at Indian Law conference
O'Connor Fellow Brian Sawers, of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law will present his paper, "Tribal Land Corporations: Using Incorporation to Combat Fractionation," at the Federal Bar Association's 11th Annual D.C. Indian Law Conference. It will be held on Friday, Nov. 13, at the National Museum of the American Indian.
Sawers will participate in the panel, Beyond Lane-Into-Trust: Creative Land Ownership Options for Tribes. According to the conference agenda, there are a number of creative ways for tribes to own land other than as federal trust land, such as federal restricted fee and conservation easements. Considering the practical problems with land-into-trust as well as the sovereignty concerns with the federal government "owning" the land, the panel will discuss what options are available.
Sawers' area of research interest is property law, in particular where property regimes are unstable, developing or in transition. In his current research projects, he's exploring both the material conditions determining property law and the effect of property regimes on resource utilization.
Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law