Rountable series to launch Oct. 2 with discussion of Prop 487 pension reform

Arizona State University's Morrison Institute for Public Policy will debut its First Thursday Roundtable series on Oct. 2, with the first topic focusing on Proposition 487, the ballot initiative regarding pension reform for Phoenix city workers.

Byron Schlomach, director of the Center for Economic Prosperity at the Goldwater Institute, will be presenting arguments in favor of Prop 487, and former City Councilman Tom Simplot, co-chair of Phoenix Citizens for Pension Responsibility, will be presenting arguments against Prop 487.

Findings from the Citizens' Initiative Review on Prop 487 also will be reviewed and discussed.

The series is set to take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m., on the first Thursday of every other month. The second scheduled roundtable is set for Dec. 4 to discuss Arizona's Sun Corridor and local leadership in a global economy.

Roundtables are free and open to ASU faculty, staff and students, as well as the general public, but please RSVP, as seating is limited.