Rose book review posted

A review by professor Jon Rose of the book, The Medieval Prison: A Social History, by G. Geltner, is posted on the Web site of the University of London's Institute of Historical Research.

Rose makes the case that, although much has been written about medieval criminal law, significantly less work has been done on medieval prisons. Hence, Geltner, a postdoctoral fellow in medieval history at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, makes an important contribution with the book.

To read the essay, click here.

Rose's primary scholarly interests involve medieval and early modern English legal history, and his research focuses on the history and regulation of the legal profession and the operation of the medieval legal system. He also has written on early defamation law, medieval prisons, and the historiography of legal history. Rose, who joined the faculty in 1968 and was an Associate Dean from 1987-90, teaches Legal History, Antitrust, Contracts and Legal Ethics, and has received numerous teaching awards. He also is a Faculty Affiliate of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies at ASU. He is the author of numerous articles on legal history, antitrust, economic and occupational regulation, and legal ethics.

Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law