Register your bike during the Spring 2013 Get in Gear contest

The ASU Police Department is holding its second Get in Gear bicycle registration contest, Jan. 28-March 8. Registration is free and can be done easily online.
The initial contest was held in fall 2012 and was created in part to reward ASU students, faculty and staff who register their bicycles with the ASU Police Department and to help deter bicycle thieves.
“A vigilant officer witnessed and stopped a bicycle theft in progress this past fall,” said Jim Hardina, ASU Police Department assistant chief. “The bicycle was returned to a proactive student who registered it with our department.”
The ASU Police Department registered 1,664 bicycles between Aug. 17 and Nov. 12, 2012. Two winners were notified for weekly Get in Gear contest prizes from Oct. 8-Nov. 12, 2012. One person won the grand prize, an iPod nano.
The spring Get in Gear contest begins Jan. 28 and runs through midnight MST March 8, 2013. ASU community members who have registered their bicycles with the ASU Police Department since Nov. 13, 2012 are eligible to win contest prizes. One contest winner will win a grand prize each semester the contest is held. Winners will be notified by email.
Get in Gear contest prizes provided by ASU Parking and Transit, Sun Devil Campus Stores and the ASU Office of Business and Finance include:
• Bicycle safety kits
• ASU-branded merchandise
• Sun Devil Campus Stores gift cards
Learn how to protect your bicycle by watching this video: Register your bicycle now for free with the ASU Police Department: