Mayes to receive 2011 ACLPI award
Kris Mayes, Professor of Practice and director of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law’s Program on Law and Sustainability, will receive the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest award during the organization’s annual event on Friday, May 14.
The ACLPI is a nonprofit law firm that is dedicated to ensuring government accountability and the legal rights of Arizonans. For more than 30 years, the firm has represented people of Arizona on various issues including health care, consumer rights, clean water and education and school finance reform.
Previously, Mayes served as an Arizona Corporation Commissioner where she helped Arizona become a national model for energy innovation. Mayes also helped establish one of the most ambitious energy efficiency standards in the nation, requiring utilities to sell 22 percent less energy by 2020 than they would have under current forecasts.
Staci McCabe,
(480) 965-8702
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law