Hodge to speak at biopreparedness event
James G. Hodge Jr., the ASU Lincoln Professor of Health Law and Ethics, will be a speaker at “The State of Biopreparedness: Lessons from Leaders, Proposals for Progress,” to be held on Thursday, Sept. 23, in Washington, D.C. The conference will be hosted by the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
The national conference will examine successes to date, lessons learned and proposals for continued progress to better prepare the country for a biological attack or catastrophic epidemic. Through a series of presentations by top current and former government officials and in-depth panel discussions with leading preparedness experts from around the country, the conference will address a variety of preparedness topics, including federal progress and challenges in biopreparedness, barriers to wide-area contamination and progress in developing crisis standards of care.
Through scholarly and applied work, Hodge, Director of the law school’s Public Health Law and Policy Program, delves into multiple areas of public health law, global health law, ethics, and human rights. He teaches Health Law, Ethics, and Policy, Public Health Law and Ethics, and Global Health Law and Policy. Hodge also is a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Law, Science & Innovation, and an Affiliate Professor, Global Health, in the School of Human Evolution & Social Change at ASU.
Janie Magruder, Jane.Magruder@asu.edu
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law