Future Sun Devils, share your pride on May 1

National College Decision Day is almost here, which means that Arizona State University’s class of 2018 will have the chance to proudly proclaim their new Sun Devil status.
May 1, or Future Sun Devil Day, is anticipated to be a global social media event. Future Sun Devils can celebrate their membership in the ASU community by proudly wearing gold, making the pitchfork sign and posting a Sun Devil selfie with #futuresundevil.
Students are encouraged to download Sun Devilish profile pics, social media cover photos and phone backgrounds; connect with other future Sun Devils on devil2devil, ASU’s exclusive social network; and check out Future Sun Devil videos for answers to questions about life at ASU.
College Decision Day is also a time for future Sun Devils to confirm their place in the class of 2018 by paying their enrollment deposit and signing up for orientation.
But, Future Sun Devil Day isn’t just for ASU-bound students. Staff, faculty and alumni will be showing their spirit and welcoming the class of 2018 by wearing gold and posting words of wisdom and encouragement to incoming students about what it means to be a #futuresundevil.
You are invited to join the celebration on Twitter (@FutureSunDevils), Instagram (@FutureSunDevils) and Facebook (/FutureSunDevils) on May 1.