Exposed 2010: Designing for a world that is waiting

Exposed 2010 is the third annual ASU Herberger Institute School of Design Innovation graduate student symposium, which is taking place April 7–10, 2010. This year’s summit-style conference research not only asks critical questions, but actively seeks transformational design-related solutions.

An internationally recognized lineup of guests – including designers Michael Graves and Bruce Mau – give presentations and interactive workshops centered on putting design research into action. Graves and Mau tackle the challenges of wellbeing, sustainability and prosperity.

The event offers valuable insight for anyone seeking to leverage design to meet these critical challenges. Professionals, educators and students across all fields of design activities and research are invited to lend their voices to this dynamic discussion and collaborative learning experience.

The conference is held on ASU’s downtown Phoenix campus, which is equipped with high-tech, fully mediated facilities in a vibrant city neighborhood. Exposed 2010 begins April 7 with special workshop sessions by Michael Graves and Bruce Mau. Graves also presents on the evening of April 7. On the evening of April 8, designer Dan Formosa of Smart Design encourages the audience to be a catalyst for positive change.

Space is limited and advanced registration is required for Exposed 2010. Pricing for the full, four-day summit is $300, and individual evening presentations are $20 each. ASU-student discounts are available. Review the complete conference schedule and register at:

Nancy Gray,
(480) 704-4391
Herberger Institute School of Design Innovation