Engineer group earns national honor

The ASU chapter of the national American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) was honored recently with the “Chapter of the Year” award at the 2006 AISES National Conference in Detroit . The highly sought after award includes a $1,000 donation to the chapter.

AISES is a nationwide, nonprofit organization established to increase American Indian representation in science and engineering, and to facilitate the success of American Indian students. In addition to academic chapters such as ASU AISES, professional AISES chapters serve as a liaison connecting students to local business communities.

Hosted annually in cities across the United States , the AISES National Conference is the most highly attended AISES conference. The three-day event attracts American Indian professionals and university students in science and engineering to participate in panel discussions, workshops and an awards ceremony.

The 20-member ASU AISES chapter was recognized for its outreach efforts, work with other minority organizations on campus, and collaboration with AISES Phoenix, a local professional chapter.

Two years ago, as part of its outreach mission, the ASU chapter started what they call the “Rez Tour,” a tour taken by ASU AISES members to reservations throughout Arizona, Colorado, Mexico and Utah . The ASU students traveled to middle schools and high schools to speak to teens about the benefits of a college education and opportunities in the fields of science and engineering.

The ASU AISES chapter partners with the ASU chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) – forming the Coalition of Engineering Minority Societies and the Society of Women Engineers (CEMSWE). Nationally, the coalition is the only example of an AISES, NSBE, SHPE, and SWE partnership.