ASU MLK Servant-Leadership Award now accepting nominations

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sat in the Birmingham jail, he said, "He who is the greatest among you shall be our servant."

To honor King’s legacy and dedication to leadership, nominations for the 2012 Arizona State University MLK Jr. Student Servant-Leadership Award are now being accepted. This year’s theme, Reflect and Act, is aimed to encourage students to reflect on where action can be taken to make a difference in someone’s life within the communities in and around ASU.

“The importance of the MLK award is to remind us that every single day throughout the year, we can hold true to Dr. King’s legacy and continue to make the communities, the country and the world we live in a better place,” said Colleen Jennings-Roggensack, MLK committee chair.

Applicants should be involved in service to committees or individuals on and around the ASU campus locally, nationally or internationally. Individuals should also have a strong commitment to community service throughout their entire college time.   

The ASU MLK Jr. Committee will be presenting a Servant-Leadership Award of $1,000 to an ASU student at the MLK Breakfast on Jan. 23, 2012.

Please submit nominations by close of business on Oct. 3, 2011 to Michelle Johnson via email at Download the nomination form at