ASU Book Club to discuss lawyer's novel

The ASU Book Group will meet at noon, Nov. 20, in Armstrong Hall room 109 (Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law on the Tempe campus) to discuss “Angus: Riding the Rio Chama,” by Gary Stuart. The first 10 attendees will receive a free copy of the book.
Stuart is a law professor at ASU and author of the nonfiction book “Innocent Until Interrogated: The True Story of The Buddhist Temple Massacre and The Tucson Four.”
The book is about the title character "Angus," described as “the coolest cowboy ever,” who “rode the high mountain ridges and fast running rivers that form the border between Colorado and New Mexico during the 1880s.
“He is welcome in most towns, feared in others, and best defined as a man who loves to ride alone. He talks mostly to his horse. After seemingly getting caught up in a series of train robberies through the famous Toltec Gorge, he tries to outrun a posse over the top of a mountain near the Rio Chama.”
For more information about Stuart and his books, go to
The ASU Book Group meets monthly (usually at noon on the last Friday of the month) and is sponsored by the ASU Department of English. Usually, authors are present for the discussion of their books.
The next meeting will be Jan. 31, with Susan Pohlman of Scottsdale, author of the book “Halfway to Each Other: How a Year in Italy Brought Our Family Home.” It’s the remarkable true story of a couple on the brink of separation who finds love again while spending a year in Italy with their family.
The ASU Book Group is open to the entire ASU community. For more information, contact Judith Smith at