Annual piano sale begins

ASU School of Music's annual piano sale begins Thursday, May 17, proceeds from which are used to purchase new practice pianos.

Rick Florence, School of Music senior piano technician, sees the annual sale as a win/win for buyers who get gently used grand or upright pianos at a sizeable discount with full warranties and delivery included and the satisfaction of supporting the ASU School of Music in the Herberger Institute.

Florence credits Jason Sipe, AZ Piano owner and School of Music alumnus, who conducts the sale of the pianos he's loaned to the School of Music and those of similar quality. Sipe wants to make sure that students had high quality instruments on which to practice, Florence said. “Without the generosity of Mr. Sipe, 30 percent of the practice rooms would be empty,” says Florence.

This year's sale continues through Sunday at the School of Music building, 50 E. Gammage Parkway on the ASU Tempe campus. The first two days of the sale are reserved for ASU students, staff, faculty and alumni. The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, May 18. The sale is open to the general public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 19  and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 20. Appointments are required on May 17-18. Call 480.727.6770 to book an appointment.