From a law degree to the (basketball) court

Portrait of Rahnee Jackson, ASU Law Master of Sports Law and Business (MSLB) graduate.

Rahnee Jackson, ASU Law Master of Sports Law and Business (MSLB) graduate.


Editor's note: This story is part of a series of profiles of notable spring 2022 graduates.

Born and raised in Casper, Wyoming, Rahnee Jackson is passionate about sports. As her college volleyball career was coming to an end, she knew she wanted to be on a path where she would continue to be involved in sports in some way.

Wanting to experience life outside of Wyoming, Jackson made the move to Arizona to pursue her undergraduate degree, and two years after graduating, she joined ASU as a program coordinator for Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs at the Sun Devil Fitness Complex.

As part of the Sun Devil community, Jackson couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree, so she enrolled in the Allan “Bud” Selig Sports Law and Business program at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law to pursue her Master of Sports Law and Business (MSLB), helping her grow as a young professional and connecting her to a large network of people in the sports industry.

During her time at ASU Law, she interned for Sun Devil Athletics, where she assisted with eligibility, Academic Progress Rate and other areas of athlete academia.

“It was also a cool experience to be a full-time employee and student of the university, and experience life from both lenses. I felt like I was able to do more on-campus activities and engagement than I may have done if I wasn’t an employee,” Jackson said.

We spoke to Jackson to learn more about her ASU Law experience and what the future holds for her.

Question: What was your “aha” moment when you realized you wanted to study the field you majored in?

Answer: I followed the Selig SLB social media and liked what I saw. I dove deeper into the program information, and my “aha” was the intimacy of this program and the people who were part of it. To be around others who are just as passionate about sports as I am was exciting. I knew it would be an experience that would allow me to elevate, learn from smart people and form a connection with influential young adults.

Q: Why did you choose ASU Law?

A: I chose the Selig Sports Law and Business Program for the curriculum – I saw the courses and was intrigued by the mix of the two areas of focus. To have a bit of law education to tie into sports business is genius.

Q: Which professor taught you the most important lesson while at ASU?

A: This is tough because every single one of them has sprinkled great lessons on me along the way. There was a mentor session that I had with Glenn Wong where he spoke powerful words to me that flipped a switch in me to get after it. That man is incredible, and to feel like I had him in my corner was quite empowering.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to those still in school?

A: Remember your “why” and keep pushing. There will be times that you feel defeated, unmotivated, stressed and tired, but you have to keep going. Work hard through the finish line and know that every feeling, good and bad, will be worth it in the end. Stay proud of yourself.

Q: What was your favorite spot on campus, whether for studying, meeting friends or just thinking about life?

A: I may be biased – but I loved the Sun Devil Fitness Complex for myself. A place where I could relieve stress with a good workout. I also enjoyed the law building, whether it be the main courtyard area outside or the private courtyard area on the fifth floor. Perfect places to study, socialize and enjoy the weather.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: Thankfully, I landed what I would call my dream job in January, months before graduation. I handle off-court player development and engagement for the Phoenix Suns and Mercury. My plans are to continue to excel in my role, continue to advance within the organization and make a difference in people’s lives. After graduating, I will have a tiny amount of free time added back to my schedule, so I hope to find time for a vacation or two – as basketball season allows, that is.

Q: If someone gave you $40 million to solve one problem on our planet, what would you tackle?

A: I would put money toward homelessness and toward pollution. Teaching lessons to the younger generation to make a difference in the future. If they’re knowledgeable in the two topics between K–8th grade, they can apply change during high school and beyond.

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