Quotes from Lisa Love and Dennis Erickson on the Holiday Bowl

Vice President for University Athletics Lisa Love
On playing Texas in the Holiday Bowl:
"We are just so excited, finishing the year as Pac-10 Co-Champs and 10-2 and successful last night in our very important rival game. Playing a perennial power like the University of Texas, December 27th in the Holiday Bowl, which by the way, is wonderfully hosted by that committee. On all fronts for our football program and our fans and people who have been faithful and loyal for such a long time. This is a great step forward. This is exactly what we wanted to do. We are very pleased to be mentioned in the same breathe as a program like Texas."

On the Sun Devils not playing in the Fiesta Bowl:
"We have been part of that dialogue, seriously part of that dialogue. People haven't mentioned BCS sentences specifically with Fiesta Bowl without having a profile that has Arizona State included. That in itself is clearly a movement in the direction we want to go. I think at the end of the day, you would love to be playing in those big money bowls, there is no question about it. But where we are in the Holiday Bowl, against the University of Texas, is terrific. We look at it only as the right direction."

On choosing Coach Erickson:
"Because I don't operate in a sense of vindictiveness or revenge or something like that, I'm not thinking in those terms. I understand in the passion that exists in athletics there are going to be differences in opinions. Maybe it's who you hire, who you don't hire. What move you make, what move you don't make. That is the nature of the athletics' beast and the level of interest is great in that regard. It is not a zero-sum game and I don't approach it that way. But at the end of the day am I very thrilled about the accomplishments of Coach Erickson and his staff in 2007? Absolutely."

On playing in San Diego:
"I have been to San Diego many times in the summer, and as I understand it, many Arizonans [also travel to San Diego]. I think what the Holiday Bowl will enjoy from us is legions of Sun Devils that will relocate to San Diego, as they do every summer. I think we will sell a lot of tickets. I think it will be fabulously successful and will make for a great road trip for the Devils."

Head Coach Dennis Erickson
On the Holiday Bowl:
"We're excited about going to the Holiday Bowl. We get to play Texas. That's a great program, a historic program, and great opportunity for us. As I said last night after the game, we have no control over the BCS; all we can do is go out there and play football. Which we did a good job of ten times. That's something that they have to deal with and they dealt with it and they did the best they can do with they system. This is just how it is. Our players are really excited about going where we're going. First we've got to focus on finals. We're excited about going to San Diego. That's a great bowl game."

On making a bowl:
"I found out from Lisa (Love) and we made an itinerary up. I gave the itinerary of our practice schedule depending on where we go. This is a reward this is exciting. This is an extra game. We didn't get chosen (for BCS). That's just how it is and you can't worry about it. It's behind us now so let's just get ready for our game against Texas."

On the first meeting between Texas and ASU:
"Texas is one of the most historic programs in all of college football. I got the opportunity to play them one other time when I was at Miami in the Cotton Bowl. It's going to be great. Our players know what they're about and what their program's about. We've got a few players from Texas. Obviously they are very aware about it. They're excited about playing. It's going to be great challenge for us. I'm going to try to let the success we've had here soak in for a few days before we get ready for Texas. I'll probably start tomorrow morning but they (the players) don't need to do that. We'll start practice on the 13th."

On bowl preparation:
"We're just going to practice like we normally would during the season. We have about seven practices here and then we go down there to practice for three days before the game. Most of the bowl game preparation is done here. All the game planning is done before we go to the bowl site. Most of our contact stuff will be done from the 13 until whenever we leave."

On the BCS:
"It's working as well as it can. They have to make decisions. That's the system. You can't worry about the system. They made their decisions; they voted and it's over and done. They've got one and tow I don't know if they should be one and two but there's a lot of other team that are probably wondering what happened. That's the system and that's how it is. I remember when Auburn was 13-0 and didn't make it into the championship game. That's just how it is. Holiday Bowl is a great bowl; we're excited about being there."

On injuries:
"Brandon Rodd will be better. He got hurt last night but he'll be better. Richard Tuitu'u went in there and did a great job. Keegan's (Herring) got a high ankle sprain but I'm guessing he'll be back and ready to play. Josh Barrett should be back; he was really close to being back for this last game. We'll probably be a lot healthier."

On the Hawaii-Washington game:
"That was a great football game. How can you ask for anything better than that? I was excited to stay up until 2 am to watch that. Hawaii came back; Washington played extremely well too and ran the ball well. Washington fought back too. What a game to watch at a home. I watch every game. I'll go on Fox and watch on that was played three weeks ago. Maybe I can get a formation or play out of it. Maybe I should try to get a red-zone play out of it."

On a playoff system:
"If we had an 18 playoff, it would work. If we had a four team playoff maybe there's two more that should be in it. You can go on and on. They have to come up with a system. I don't know if they'll come up with it in my coaching career. I don't think it will happen. I'm in favor of it but they have to have it the right way. You can't lose the bowls. To me the bowls are really important. There's over 100 teams and you get down to just four teams what happens to all those other ones. I'm really in favor of the bowl system. If they could just keep that and work out a play off I'd have to look at that."