Morrison Institute offers scholarship award
Through an initiative to engage Arizona’s emerging young leaders, ASU’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy, in partnership with the Arizona Republic and Tucson Citizen, offers Arizona high school seniors the opportunity to earn a scholarship award to attend ASU.
This prestigious scholarship is designed to encourage Arizona high school seniors to think about public policy issues in Arizona and to promote the concept of “stewardship” – public leadership committed to doing what is best for the state and its residents, regardless of political philosophy or personal gain.
The 2007-2008 award recipients, who were selected through a highly competitive “blind review” process, are:
• Charles David Alan Jannetto, from Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, who received the first-place award – a $1,500 scholarship to ASU – for his essay on “Safe Schools Legislation.”
• Allison Pilar Wiley from Globe High School, who received the second-place award – a $1,000 scholarship to ASU – for her essay on “Lack of Honors Programs Could Prove Detrimental to Students’ Futures.”
• Dawson Thomas Rauch from Fountain Hills High School, received an honorable mention for his essay on “Illegal Immigration.”
Elaine and Richard Morrison of Gilbert, Ariz., established this unique program to commemorate Morrison Institute’s 20 years of policy research and to continue to expand the Morrison Institute’s public service as evidence of their devotion to Arizona’s future.
Sponsors of the Young Steward of Public Policy Scholarship Program are Salt River Project, General Dynamics and APS. Young Steward awards are not based on financial need, academic achievement or program of study, but the awards only are given to students who attend ASU.
Young Steward of Public Policy Scholarship awards are based on an outstanding essay about a public issue of critical importance to the state of Arizona and the specific policy recommendations on how the issue should be addressed.
To read the awarded essays, or for further information about how to apply to the 2008-2009 Young Steward program, visit the Web site and click the link Public Policy Scholarship, or call (602) 496-0900.