Healing with humor

Proving that laughter is the best medicine, The ASU Employee Wellness Program presents “Healing with Humor,” an entertaining seminar that explores the history of laughter therapy and the many benefits of bringing laughter into your life. Mark Johannsson, Director of Clinical Services for the Kronos Corporate and Community Wellness Program will conduct the hilarious look at healthy living. Johannsson is a doctor of health science and served his master’s residency at Stanford University.

A minimum of 15 participants must reserve their place by Sept. 13 for the class to be held. The laughing begins on Thursday, September 27 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at University Center in Room 822A. Register online by Sept. 13 at www.asu.edu/hr/training or call 480-965-4751 for any questions.