Employee Recognition Program seeks applicants
ASU’s Employee Recognition Program has two awards that promote projects and programs that demonstrate excellence in the work ASU employees do in the community, as well as innovative ways of improving organizational processes.
One award, the President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness, recognizes ASU departmental, interdepartmental or multidisciplinary teams that have identified community needs and issues and then developed partnerships with the community to provide solutions. Programs or projects that have been implemented since Aug. 1, 2002, and that have demonstrated positive results will be considered for the award. The project must be institutional work done in the name of ASU rather than individual or group community service.
The other award, the President’s Award for Innovation, recognizes ASU individual employees or teams for innovations that improve educational, administrative or other organizational processes through creative approaches. The innovation should be an original program, project, initiative or technique that has been implemented and has demonstrated positive verifiable results.
Teams and individuals who meet the criteria for these awards are encouraged to apply. Submission deadline for both applications is Jan. 17.
Teams that meet the criteria for these awards will be notified March 26 and recognized at a president’s reception in April.
Winning teams will receive an award, while each team member will receive a certificate.
For application forms for the President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness and the President’s Award for Innovation, visit the Web site www.asu.edu/recognition.html.