'Career Fest' links students with professional opportunities

For more than 10 years, Arizona State University’s “Career Fest” has been connecting West campus students with recruiters and industry professionals from across the country in a successful effort to give future graduates a head start in their post-education career search.

The next Career Fest scheduled on the West campus takes place Thursday, October 9, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Center Building (UCB), La Sala.

“Career Fest gives ASU students, alumni and community members the chance to connect with organizations offering internship and career-related opportunities,” says Sarah McDermott, employer relations specialist in Career Services at the West campus.  “Fest participants can learn more about professions and companies, develop their network, and make professional contacts.”

This year, attendees can go one better – participants completing an event evaluation will have the chance to win a free Kaplan Test Prep course valued at between $1,200 - $1,800, depending on the course selected by the winner.

The annual Career Fest has become the West campus’ largest recruiting event, and students are encouraged to dress professionlly and bring their resumes.

“This event is instrumental in connecting job and internship seekers with local, state and nationwide organizations,” says McDermott.  “Countless individuals have found internships and post-college employment based on the contacts they made at Career Fest.”

Career Fest is co-sponsored by Career Services at the West campus and Alpha Kappa Psi.  A list of participating companies, organization profiles, and job postings is available at www.west.asu.edu/career and by clicking on “Sun Devil CareerLink.”

Career Services at the West campus is available to assist ASU students acquire skills, information, knowledge and to empower them to become more effective and self-directed in planning for their future.  Career development includes: career exploration, planning and preparation; the identification of academic and life goals; intervention strategies for academic success; goal-setting; and the development of effective job search skills.