ASU Insight: Breaking the Gridlock How to steer through stalemates and get government working again (8 minutes)

Panel discussion on how to steer through stalemates and get government working again.
Why has it become so difficult for our Federal government to negotiate, come to agreement, and pass legislation? How can we improve the policy making process in Washington to boost overall government effectiveness? Is it time to modernize our Federal government and what should reform look like?
Join us for two solutions oriented discussions on how to make the Federal government work for America again.
Featured panelists will include:
- Michael Barone, Senior Political Analyst, Washington Examiner
- The Hon. Evan Bayh, former Governor and former U.S. Senator, D-IN
- Michael M. Crow, President, Arizona State University
- The Hon. Jon Kyl, former Senate Minority Whip, R-AZ
- The Hon. Trent Lott, former Senate Majority Leader, R-MS
- Jonathan Rauch, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
- Chris Wallace, Host, Fox News Sunday
Ben Nelson is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Minerva Project and former head of Snapfish. Founded in 2012, the Minerva Project has attracted $95M in venture capital and seeks to reinvent higher education by building a new kind of liberal-arts university that is a unique blend between residential and online, is built on a technology platform that utilizes the latest in learning science, and is more affordable and accessible to students from around the world.
The Frank Rhodes Lecture on the Creation of the Future: A Lecture Series for a New American University began in the Fall of 2011 at the direction of ASU President Michael Crow to help advance his vision for a New American University and the need to redefine the role of higher education in society.