Zatz wins Tappan Award

Marjorie Zatz, interim vice president and executive vice provost at Arizona State University’s West campus, will receive the Western Society of Criminology’s (WSC) prestigious Paul Tappan Award for “outstanding contributions to the field of criminology.”

The award will be conferred during the WSC’s 34th annual conference, to be held February 15-17 in Scottsdale.

“I am deeply honored,” said Zatz, who is also a professor in ASU’s School of Justice and Social Inquiry.  “The Paul Tappan Award is special for me because it recognizes contributions to the field of criminology, rather than to a sub-division within the field.

“I am humbled to be the recipient this year, because the list of previous honorees includes some of the most respected scholars in the discipline.”

In addition to receiving the Tappan Award, Zatz will present the conference’s keynote address on February 16, “Immigration, Crime and Justice: The Social and Political Implications of Recent U.S. Immigration Policies.”

“We are very pleased and honored to present the Tappan Award to Dr. Zatz,” said Sue Cote, WSC president and associate professor of criminal justice at California State University, Sacramento.  “Her expert work is significant and she deserves to join the ranks of the notable scholars who have been recognized by the WSC for their significant contributions to our field.  

“We are looking forward to hearing her speak at our conference.”

Zatz’s keynote address will target some of the central elements of her research, including the relationship between race, ethnicity, gender, and criminal justice processing and sanctioning.

“The specific focus will be on the social and political implications of recent U.S. immigration policies,” said Zatz. “I am particularly interested in the ways in which these policies and practices reinforce racialized and gendered constructions of crime and victimization.”

Before serving ASU as a faculty and administration leader for a 25 years, Zatz earned her Ph.D. in Sociology with a minor in Latin American Studies from Indiana University. In addition to her interest in the ways in which race, ethnicity and gender impact juvenile and criminal court decisions, she is an expert in the social constructions of race and gender, Chicano/a gangs, and comparative justice, particularly Latin American legal systems.

Just last year, the third edition of her book, “Images of Color, Images of Crime,” was published by Roxbury Publishing Co. Zatz has published two additional books and more than 50 articles and chapters in scholarly journals and academic presses, including Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Social Problems, Justice Quarterly, and Law and Society Review. In addition to the 2006-07 Paul Tappan Award, her honors and awards include the American Society of Criminology’s Herbert Bloch Award, the WSC’s W.E.B. DuBois Award for Research on Race and the Administration of Justice, the American Society of Criminology Division of Women and Crime’s Senior Scholar Award; and the ASU Faculty Women’s Association’s Outstanding Mentor of Women Award.

Past Paul Tappan Award Honorees

1974-75  William Amos

1975-76  Earl Caldwell

1976-77  James F. Short, Jr.

1977-78  Simon Dinitz

1978-79  A. LaMont Smith/Paul Weston

1979-80  Gil Geis

1980-81  Tony Platt/PaulTakagi

1981-82  Sheldon Messinger

1982-83  Tom Murton

1983-84  Julia & Herman Schwendinger

1984-85  (Award not presented)

1985-86  Abraham Blumberg

1986-87  Don M. Gottfredson

1987-88  Jerome Skolnick      

1988-89  Austin Turk

1989-90  Elliott Currie

1990-91  John Irwin

1991-92  Meda Chesney-Lind

1992-93  C. Ron Huff

1993-94  Franklin Zimring

1994-95  Malcolm Klein

1995-96  Edwin M. Lemert

1996-97  Joan Petersilia

1997-98  Travis Hirschi

1998-99  James Austin

1999-00  Delbert S. Elliott

2000-01  Michael Gottfredson

2001-02  Marcus Felson

2002-03  J. David Hawkins/Richard F. Catalano

2003-04  M. Douglas Anglin

2004-05  Finn-Aage Esbensen

2005-06  Michael Radelet

2006-07  Marjorie S. Zatz


Note:  Zatz won the Western Society of Criminology’s 1999-2000 W.E.B. DuBois Award for significant contributions to the field of racial and ethnic issues in criminology.