Winer book conference at University of Kentucky

A conference on the recently published book, "Politics, Taxes, and the Pulpit: Provocative First Amendment Conflicts," (Oxford University Press) by professor Laurence Winer of the College of Law and Nina J. Crimm of St. John’s University School of Law, will be held at the University of Kentucky College of Law on Oct. 12, in Lexington, Ky.
The book delves into the dilemma of federal tax subsidies for refraining from partisan political speech for houses of worship. The conference will highlight the main arguments on both sides of the issue and will also discuss the First Amendment’s role in the constitutionality of the laws.
For more information, click here.
Winer has taught courses in Telecommunications and Media Law, Constitutional Law, Ideas of the First Amendment, Law & Ethics of Lawyering, Torts, Analytical Methods for Lawyers, and Defamation & Privacy. His major scholarship focuses on the First Amendment and government regulation of the media and includes published articles, amicus briefs and various government filings. Winer is a member of the First Amendment Advisory Council of the Media Institute in Washington, D.C., an independent, non-profit research foundation, specializing in issues of communications policy.