University-wide HR system takes effect July 2

The Office of Human Resources is launching a new software system to help all ASU staffers and faculty members better manage their futures at the university. Human Capital Management (HCM) is a new process for managing time, vacation, pay and other HR “touch points” for the ASU community.

“We're introducing a modern, Web-based system that will improve our current payroll and benefits system, and serve as a critical piece to meeting the needs of this fast-growing university,” says Matthew McElrath, vice president and chief human resources officer.

Perhaps the most noticeable change for employees is the new payroll schedule. Beginning July 2, employees who are currently paid semi-monthly will transition to a biweekly system, meaning they will receive their paychecks every other Friday rather than the first and 15th days of the month.

The new schedule results in 26 pay periods instead of 24 and affects the gross pay on each paycheck, but it gives each employee two additional paychecks each year. The employees' salaries or wages will not be reduced; rather, they will receive more paychecks, but in a slightly smaller increment.

“We highly encourage all employees to evaluate their personal finances and determine how the new payroll schedule will affect them before it takes effect,” McElrath says. “Human Resources staff members are here to help employees adjust to the new schedule, and we have several resources online to assist with the transition.”

To maintain accuracy in payroll and hours worked, non-exempt (hourly) employees will begin “positive time reporting” with the new system. Employees will record daily arrival and departure times online, or with time sheets.

“Positive time reporting is a common practice among most workplaces, including educational institutions, and it's done to ensure that all university employees are paid fairly and accurately,” says Carol Campbell, executive vice president and chief financial officer who oversees the Human Resources office.

Exempt employees will not be required to record work time, but they can request vacation or sick time online through the new system.

During this transition, Campbell encourages faculty and staff members to retain a positive and proactive attitude, as the goal for this new system is to simplify the HR functions for the ASU community.

“We appreciate the hard work so many departments put into the implementation of this project, and its success depends largely on the end user's adoption of the project's core principles of ‘implement, adapt and grow,' ” Campbell says.

Where can I learn more?

Attend a training session. Sessions include information on “positive time reporting,” changes to the paycheck calendar, manager self-service, employee self-service and position management. To enroll in a training session, visit the Web site , the Human Capital Management (HCM) Web site , or call the Office of Human Resources at (480) 965-2701.

What should I do before July 2?

• Complete the online preparation checklist at .

• View the new payday schedule at .

• Use the paycheck estimator, available online at , to find out new paycheck amounts. Faculty members with questions about the academic pay calendar can visit the Web site .