'Time' names Crow a top university president to watch


Arizona State University President Michael Crow has been named by Time magazine as one of the top U.S. university presidents to watch. The November 23, 2009 issue of Time includes a feature on the 10 best college presidents, which includes Michael Crow.

The part of the story that highlights Crow talks about his goal of transforming ASU into the New American University that aims to improve rankings, performance and access all at the same time, going against the grain of most top universities. It also provides a report card.

“During his tenure, the university has more than doubled its yearly research spending, boosted its roster of National Merit Scholars 61 percent, and claimed a spot on three separate rankings of America’s best colleges,” the article states. “Meanwhile the number of low-income Arizona freshman enrolling each year has grown nearly nine-fold and the population of minority students has jumped 62 percent.”

Crow described the goals of ASU as aiming to meet the needs of the people.

“We’re done with trying to raise money for putting brass buttons on the back of our chairs,” Crow said. “What people really want from their university is, ‘Help us with these things that are most important to us.’”

Media contact:
Virgil Renzulli, (480) 965-8526