Sun Devil achievers sought for 3 Alumni Association awards

The ASU Alumni Association's Sun Devil Select awards honor entrepreneurial alumni and the 2016 event is tentatively scheduled for early April.
Arizona State University’s alumni base, now nearly 400,000 strong, is filled with Sun Devils who have used their ASU education to help others, enrich communities and make the world a better place.
The community is officially invited to help the ASU Alumni Association locate candidates for three upcoming award programs, which will honor graduates of the institution who have made significant contributions in a variety of areas of achievement.
Nominees currently are being sought for the following awards:
The association presents two awards at Homecoming – the Alumni Service Award, which recognizes distinguished, exemplary and extraordinary service to ASU and the Alumni Association by an alumnus/alumna; and the Alumni Appreciation Award, which is presented to a community member who is not a graduate of ASU for contributions that have enhanced the stature and success of ASU and the Alumni Association.
This year, the awards will be presented at halftime of the Homecoming game on Nov. 14, between ASU and Washington.
The Alumni Association's Founders' Day Awards Dinner is one of the organization's signature events. Honorees at this event include faculty, staff, alumni and philanthropists whose contributions to the university and the community at large exemplify the pioneering spirit of the founders of the institution. Founders’ Day will be held on Feb. 3, 2016.
The Alumni Association recently announced it would host the 2016 edition of the Sun Devil Select Awards, which celebrate the achievements of Sun Devil-owned and Sun Devil-led businesses across the globe. The event highlights ASU’s incredible history of entrepreneurial leadership and invites outstanding business owners from across the Valley and around the globe back to the university to celebrate together. The next Sun Devil Select Awards ceremony will take place on March 25, 2016.
The nomination deadline for all three events is 5 p.m., Oct. 2. For additional information on these awards, to make a nomination, as well as learn about the Alumni Association’s other community awards, visit: