Summertime is writing time for social work professors

Summertime may be the time for students to escape the rigors of academic life but for many social work professors, the hot sunny days provide the perfect opportunity to focus on research and writing.

Joanne Cacciatore, program coordinator, has multiple writing and research projects in the works including, “Crisis Intervention by Social Workers in Fire Departments,” “The Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Bereaved Parents,” and Historicultural Examination of Ritual after a Child’s Death: A Qualitative Study.”

Suzanne Bushfield, clinical associate professor, is currently co-authoring a book entitled, “When the Road to Recovery meets the Hospice Journey,” which addresses family systems, addiction and end-of-life issues.

“Because families are dynamic systems, professionals in end of life care as well as addiction and recovery care, need to understand how these family systems operate,” says Bushfield. The text will sort through the many layers of family dynamics utilizing Genograms, a technique for mapping family systems, illustrates roles, relationships and rules.

Like Cacciatore and Bushfield, assistant professor David Hodge also spent part of his summer at the computer keyboard. Hodge’s most recent article explores how spirituality helps mothers living with HIV-AIDS in Uganda cope with the many difficulties and challenges encountered in daily life.