Student organization hosts downtown block party

An ASU-sponsored student organization is combining fun, fashion and business in a block-party extravaganza.

The 4.1.1. Effect’s Community, Entertainment and Fashion event starts at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 6 at Civic Space Park, 424 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. The business/student expo will include a tabling of student organizations, local businesses and community members. The fashion show will start at 7 p.m. with performances by local artists.

The event is free but attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation for St. Mary’s Food Bank or a tax-deductable donation to the Red Cross in support of the Haiti Relief Fund.

“Every aspect of our mission is for the good of businesses, organizations, and the citizens of the City of Phoenix,” said Natasia Cara Bongcas, a student organizer. "It is our goal to involve these entities to create the type of strong network that makes and effects change.”

The 4.1.1. Effect is an ASU student-run organization focused on building partnerships between local businesses and all Arizona State University campuses.

For more information on the 4.1.1. Effect visit or


Louanna Faine, President
4.1.1. Effect
(480) 720-5495