Stay healthy during cold and flu season

Fall typically marks the season when temperatures begin to cool and seasonal flu cases start to rise.

Arizona State University students, faculty and staff can protect themselves against the flu by getting a seasonal flu vaccine currently available at all ASU Health Services locations. The $20 cost for students is covered by the ASU Aetna and Bridge health plans. Private insurance companies can also be billed for students who bring in their insurance card.

Through Dec. 1, ASU employees on the Tempe, West or Polytechnic campuses can receive the flu vaccine at no cost by going to the ASU Health Services location (no appointment is necessary) and on the Downtown campus by  attending any Healthwaves public clinic or any state agency listed on the benefits options wellness site.

In addition to getting a flu vaccine, the ASU community can keep these basic tips in mind:

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or cough into your sleeve and not your hand. Colds and flu spread from the hand and not the mouth.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with a 60 percent alcohol-based hand cleaner during flu season. If a hand cleaner is not available, wash hands in warm water for at least 15 seconds (or the time it takes to sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat).
  • Stay home if you are sick. Since flu viruses spread easily from person to person, isolate yourself and talk to professors about making up course work if you are ill. It’s OK to return to classes after you’ve been fever free and off of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
  • If you do get sick, cold and flu kits are available at Health Services locations. The kits are available for a modest fee and include fever-reducing medication, cough medicine, nasal decongestant, thermometer, hand sanitizer and face mask.

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