Staffer e-publishes 1st novel on step-motherhood

As a career advisor on ASU's Tempe campus, Mary Fachman coaches students to follow their hearts and never give up on their dreams.
Now, she says, it’s time for her to take her own advice.
Fachman recently e-published her first novel called "Misstep," in pursuit of her dream to become a bestselling author.
“The publishing world has changed greatly in the past five years," Fachman says. "Previously, an author needed an agent to get published. Now, an author can do it herself.”
Fachman wrote the book in 2007. She soon began looking for an agent who would sell it to a big publishing house. After securing an agent who didn’t sell the work and receiving numerous rejections from others, she became discouraged and put the book away. But the dream of being a bestselling author nagged at her for years.
Enter the e-publishing world.
With the Kindle, Nook and iPad quickly becoming the tools of choice for reading books, Fachman decided to dust off her manuscript – a process that included updating it and refining it to get it ready for readers.
“When I read that Amazon sold more e-books than paper copies last year, I knew it was time to make my dream a reality," Fachman says.
"I paid someone to format the document into an e-book, located a fun artist to design the cover, and uploaded it to Amazon and Smashwords. I now have a book out there, and I am a published author. The first part of the dream has come true. Now, I just need to sell it.”
So what’s the book about?
Fachman says "Misstep" is a hilarious and unflinching look at the conflict between a new stepmother and a biological mom, who happens to be a bully. According to Fachman, her novel gives a voice to all women who have dared to love another mother’s child, and it is a must-read for blended families.
To purchase a copy of Fachman's book (priced at $2.99), visit or Smashwords and type in the title and author’s name.