Snapshot of ASU's newest faculty
There are a lot of new faces at Arizona State University this fall – including 133 new faculty members. Get to know a few of them better by reading the set of faculty profiles below.
tatiana batova
Assistant professor Tatiana Batova teaches and researches information management technologies and technical and health care communication in ASU's School of Letters and Sciences. She is interested in technical communication because of its interdisciplinary approaches.
natasha behl
Natasha Behl, an assistant professor of political science in ASU’s New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, believes that everybody deserves the same chance at an education, regardless of their socio-economic background.
barry bozeman
One of the most highly-respected scholars in the field of public administration joined ASU this fall, after many years of collaborating with ASU faculty members on research. Barry Bozeman is the Arizona Centennial Professor of Public Management and Technology Policy and also the director of the Center for Organization Research and Design in the College of Public Programs.
rob hornyak
Understanding how businesses use information technology to innovate isn’t just an abstract research topic for Rob Hornyak, new assistant professor of computer information systems in the W. P. Carey School of Business.
christopher jones
As an assistant professor in ASU’s School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Christopher Jones seeks to bring his unique perspective on energy transitions into the classroom to inspire his students and improve their critical thinking skills.
nate johnson
As an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering and Computing Systems in the College of Technology and Innovation, Nate Johnson spends his time researching sustainable energy solutions with applications in off-grid energy, micro-grids and building energy management.
abby loebenberg
How does one go from studying architecture to anthropology? As Abby Loebenberg, Honors Faculty Fellow at ASU’s Barrett the Honors College explains, it was simple. Upon attending Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, she discovered an absence of design programs and therefore decided on anthropology to conduct her research.
devoney looser
Jane Austen fans have a professor to look up to at ASU, not only because Devoney Looser has written widely about the British novelist and is an award-winning teacher; the English professor also has the distinction of being known as Stone Cold Jane Austen in the Arizona Roller Derby league.
robert j. miller
As an internationally recognized expert on economic development in Indian country, Robert J. Miller will bring to the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law a new course focusing on economic development for tribal nations, as well as a broad background in dealing with American Indian law issues of all kinds.
karen mossberger
A highly-regarded scholar who comes to ASU from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Karen Mossberger sees the study of technology and government moving into the mainstream of public administration scholarship. Mossberger is the newly appointed director of the School of Public Affairs in the ASU College of Public Programs.
jacqueline petchel
When Jacquee Petchel works with ASU journalism students as director of the national News21 Initiative, they realize she knows what she’s talking about. She is an award-winning investigative reporter, editor and producer, who most recently served as senior editor for investigations and enterprise at The Houston Chronicle.
rod roscoe
As a new assistant professor in the Cognitive Science and Engineering program in the College of Technology and Innovation, Rod Roscoe is continuing his work as an investigator for ASU’s Learning Sciences Institute, where his research examines the cognitive, metacognitive and motivational processes of learning, and the educational activities that facilitate these processes.
karen bradshaw schulz
Specializing in the governance of natural resources, Karen Bradshaw Schulz brings to the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law a range of environmental law courses that draw on both her lifelong commitment to environmental issues and her training and experience as a business professional.
suzanne scott
Nowadays, keeping up with ever-changing media culture can be overwhelming, even when – or perhaps because – we are constantly immersed in it. For Suzanne Scott, assistant professor of film and media studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, making sense of all that voltaic noise isn’t just a job; it’s a passion.
ronald simons
It’s an exciting time to be a behavioral scientist, with scientific revolutions in several areas that have led to new perspectives, says Ronald Simons, newly appointed Foundation Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice in the College of Public Programs.
matt simonton
Matt Simonton, an assistant professor of ancient history in the School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies in ASU's New College, has dual interests in the classics and political science, which led him to specialize in classical Greek democracy.
mark tebeau
As an urban historian who specializes in digital and public history, Mark Tebeau is helping bring the past to life for cities and cultural organizations throughout the country, using today’s digital tools. Tebueau is a new associate professor of history in the School of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.