Rose presents papers, conducts research in UK over summer

Professor Jonathan Rose spent part of the summer presenting papers, speaking on panels and doing research in the United Kingdom as a legal history scholar.
Rose presented a paper, “Understanding the Law of Maintenance at the British Legal History Conference,” and chaired a panel at the British Legal History Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
According to the University of Glasgow, the conference is held to explore the ways law has been shaped historically by different forms and ideas of authority, and how sources of law and frameworks for their application have developed over time in relation to concepts of authority, or to the authority of other institutions, processes or actors within the legal order.
Additionally, Rose was invited to do research at the British Library in London and at the University of Cambridge.
His primary scholarly interests involve medieval and early modern English legal history, and his research focuses on the history and regulation of the legal profession and the operation of the medieval legal system. He has also written on early defamation law, medieval prisons and the historiography of legal history.