Qwest to Locate at SkySong

<p>Qwest Communications Inc., a leading provider of high-speed Internet, 100 percent digital television, digital voice and wireless services, will lease space at SkySong, the ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center.</p><separator></separator><p>Qwest representatives in Arizona and at the Qwest corporate headquarters in Denver are “impressed by SkySong's creative, 21st century business model, as well as its location,” says Pat Quinn, Qwest president-Arizona.</p><separator></separator><p>“The opportunity to interact with ASU organizations locating at the center, other technology businesses leasing space there, along with international companies conducting business at SkySong, appears to be an excellent business prospect for Qwest,” Quinn says. “We're excited to participate in what should become one of the most advanced innovation centers in the world.”</p><separator></separator><p>“Qwest's decision confirms that the idea behind SkySong makes excellent business sense today, when our global economy is driven by innovation,” adds Mary Manross, Scottsdale 's mayor. “Clearly, the state's largest communications company understands the importance and the potential of SkySong.”</p><separator></separator><p>Although Qwest has not announced what aspects of its operations – or how many employees – will move to SkySong, discussions are under way with ASU officials regarding potential strategic partnerships with the university and other tenants.</p><separator></separator><p>“The university is thrilled that Qwest has chosen to locate at SkySong,” says Rob Melnick, ASU associate vice president for economic affairs. “It exemplifies the type of company that will help position SkySong as a global focal point for technological innovation, cross-disciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial ventures.”</p><separator></separator><p>Qwest Communications, Arizona 's largest communications provider, has about 40,000 employees worldwide.</p><separator></separator><!-- InstanceEndEditable --><div id="contactInfo"><p class="contactName"><a href="mailto:sharon.keeler@asu.edu"><font color="#990033">Sharon Keeler</font></a>, <a href="mailto:sharon.keeler@asu.edu">sharon.keeler@asu.edu</a&gt; (480) 965-4012</p><separator></separator></div><!-- end contactInfo div --></p>