Quality, low-cost counseling services available
The Counselor Training Center, located on the Tempe campus, offers quality, low-cost counseling services to the Arizona State University community and to the community-at-large.
Weekly counseling services are available to full-time ASU students, faculty and staff for $20/semester, part-time ASU students, faculty and staff for $40/semester, and any community member for $80/semester.
The counselors at the Counselor Training CEnter are graduate students working toward either a master’s degree in counseling or doctoral degree in counseling psychology. They work under the close supervision of faculty members who are licensed psychologists. The counselors in training work with individuals, couples and families to help them resolve personal, career, marital and adjustment issues that are barriers to healthy relationships and productive lives.
The Counseling Training Center is located in Payne Hall (EDB) room 401. For more information or to make an appointment, contact the center at (480) 965-5067 or visit cls.asu.edu/ctc.