Podcast focuses on children of incarcerated parents

Photo by MichaƂ Parzuchowski courtesy of Unsplash

Two million children in the United States have parents in jail or prison. The consequences can be substantial. Trouble at school and home and poor physical and mental health are just some of the issues they face.

Judy Krysik, an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University spoke with Stephen Koonz on the "Forensics InService" podcast. Krysik, the director of the ASU Center for Child Well Being, talked about the problems faced by kids who have a parent locked up and an upcoming national conference that addresses the subject. 

The Children of Incarcerated Parents National Conference brings together professionals from many  child well-being disciplines to share information and research with the goal of reducing the stigma and impact of parental incarceration. The conference will be held April 14-17, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Renaissance Downtown Phoenix Hotel. For more information visit: https://childwellbeing.asu.edu/CIP

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