Phoenix Biz Journal spotlights new W. P. Carey School facility

One of the most recent additions on the ASU Tempe campus, McCord Hall, received some attention last week in the form of a photo slideshow and article by Phoenix Business Journal writer Joe Martin. McCord Hall is the newest facility for the W. P. Carey School of Business.

"The “$57 million centerpiece of the business school will house the graduate programs featured at W. P. Carey, including the Masters of Real Estate Development, which has its own working space in the building,” writes Martin.

Amy Hillman, dean of the school, is quoted in the article, explaining that McCord Hall was designed to replicate the look and feel of a business space, especially one that is conducive to collaboration.

“When you’re going to build classrooms in universities, classrooms to teach physics or math are different because they have different styles of learning. From the very beginning it was the main part of the design,” Hillman says. 

The accompanying 23-photo gallery showcases several of the innovative features of the new building, including graduate lounges and an undergraduate honors lounge, as well as energy saving floor-located air vents. 

Article source: Phoenix Business Journal

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