Officials unveil award winners

The Chicano Latino Faculty Staff Association (CLFSA) at ASU recently celebrated the contributions and efforts of faculty members, staff and students who are taking steps to diversify and improve the learning environment at the university.

“The CLFSA has a long tradition of presenting awards and scholarships,” says Anita Verdugo Tarango, past president of the organization. “Historically, the awards have been presented at the Hispanic Convocation. Since the awards are not solely for graduating seniors, we thought it was appropriate to have a separate event.”

The recipients of this year’s awards are:

• Carlos Castillo Chavez, Regents’ Professor of Mathematics – Manuel Servin Faculty Award.

• Gabriel Escontrias Jr., College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ dean’s office – Christine Marin Staff Award.

• Ana Gomez – Roberto L. Pastor Student Award.

• Manuel “Lito” Pena – Cesar E. Chavez Community Service Award.

During the ceremony, scholarships were presented to students who are continuing their education at ASU. The recipient of the incoming freshmen scholarship was Alma Hernandez. The current ASU student scholarship was awarded to Veronica Monzon, and David Giorge received the incoming ASU transfer scholarship.

In addition, a newly elected board will represent the organization for 2007-2008. The new officers are Caroline Turner, president; Gabriel Escontrias, president-elect; Lisa Magana, past president; Anita Tarango, past president; Vera Lopez, faculty representative; Pam Sanchez, staff representative; Michelle Sanchez, secretary; Connie Biebrich, treasurer; Chris Marin, historian; Paul Beruman, communications chair; Maria Elena Coronado, scholarship chair; Antonia Franco, development chair; Eddie Castaneda, Arizona Association of Chicanos for Higher Eduation representative; and Cecilia Menjivar, Faculty Women’s Association liaison.