New schools add to ASU dynamic; sustainability school first in world

The world's first School of Sustainability has been established at ASU.

The university is mounting an unprecedented comprehensive sustainability effort aimed at finding solutions to the most pressing sustainability issues the planet faces. This university program, with the newly established School of Sustainability at its core, encompasses such diverse fields as science, technology, public policy, economics, education and urban planning. Researchers believe that all of these fields, and others, can contribute to guiding humanity from its present course of environmental destruction.

ASU's School of Sustainability, which begins enrolling students in January, will offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in sustainability. Within five years, the school expects to have 450 undergraduate students and 50 students each in its master's and doctoral degree programs. This innovative curriculum builds upon an existing base at ASU that includes 300 courses, 80 degree programs and 170 research projects that involve sustainability.

This moment marks a milestone in the evolution of ASU's sustainability initiative referred to as the Global Institute of Sustainability, initiated just two years ago with help from a $15 million planning investment from philanthropist Julie A. Wrigley.

Other new school launches include:

• The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences launched the School of Social and Family Dynamics; School of Geographical Science; the School of Earth and Space Exploration; and the School of Materials, which is partnered with the Fulton School of Engineering.

• The Herberger College of Fine Arts launched the School of Theatre and Film.

• East College launched the School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation.

• The College of Public Programs launched the School of Community Resources & Development.

• The Fulton School of Engineering launched the School of Computing and Informatics.

• The College of Human Services launched the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.


ASU welcomes namesakes to 2 colleges

ASU added high-profile names to two of its colleges during the past year.

On May 9, ASU celebrated the naming of its College of Education in honor of Mary Lou Fulton – who, with her husband, Ira, recently gave the university a $50 million gift to set up an endowment for the college.

Sandra Day O'Connor, left, is congratulated by Law School Dean Patricia White and ASU President Michael Crow at ceremony Nov. 17. The school was officially named after O'Connor.

It is the largest gift ever given by individual donors to a college of education in the United States, according to the ASU Foundation.

Mary Lou Fulton received her bachelor's degree from the college in 1975.

On Nov. 17, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the honored guest at a celebration of the renaming of the ASU College of Law. The college was renamed the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law in April in honor of O'Connor, who served as the first female associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1981-2006).

It is the first law school named in honor of a contemporary woman.