New degrees aim to prep next generation of health workers

Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions announced several new health degree programs aimed at providing students interested in medicine or health care with a well-rounded foundation. These new degrees complement a broad set of undergraduate and graduate degree offerings from ASU-related to health promotion, health care delivery and health management of people and populations.
Keith Lindor, the college’s dean and former dean of the Mayo Medical School, says the new curriculum was developed in response to the need for a different kind of health care delivery model and employees with enhanced skills within the system.
“Our health curriculum at ASU emphasizes critical thinking skills, an analytical approach to problem-solving and effective communication,” Lindor says. “These skills are becoming increasingly important in a complex field and global context.”
Students who choose to study health-related disciplines at ASU will learn at a research-based university from expert faculty such as Victor Trastek, former CEO of the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. The College of Health Solutions, which is located on the ASU Downtown Phoenix campus, offers a rich and diverse set of clinical and research internships and other deeply embedded community-based opportunities, as well as practice of use-inspired research.
“Our convenient location and proximity to the state’s largest health care organizations give students a unique opportunity to apply their learning to real-world situations at some of the most-well known institutions in the world,” Lindor says.
ASU’s commitment to inclusiveness – one which welcomes all students with a desire to learn and achieve greatness – creates a student body with diverse perspectives. Not only do students come to ASU from different backgrounds, but they thrive in an interprofessional setting – one in which different disciplines work together and learn from each other to reach a common goal.
“Interprofessionalism is no longer a choice, it is a requirement,” Trastek says. “Successful students will learn how to work effectively in teams and leverage the skills and talents of one another, whether a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, technologist, behaviorist or rehabilitator. A degree in health from ASU will equip students to think and work differently.”
Students can enroll in the new degree programs now, for fall 2014. Visit to learn more.
ASU’s new bachelor’s degree in medical studies is for students who aspire to a professional career in health care. Curriculum was designed to meet the new Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) requirements that will include a focus on social sciences and humanities in addition to the hard sciences, effective 2015.
Since the successful launch of its master’s degree in health care delivery in 2013, ASU’s College of Health Solutions has expanded its School for the Science of Health Care Delivery to include a new bachelor’s degree in health care delivery and a new bachelor’s degree in public health. ASU also announced it is hosting two new Master of Public Health degree programs in partnership with the University of Minnesota, ranked No. 8 in the nation for its public health programs.
New health degrees from ASU’s College of Health Solutions include:
• Bachelor of Science in Medical Studies
• Bachelor of Science in the Science of Health Care Delivery
• Bachelor of Science in Public Health
• Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Informatics
Bachelor of Science in Health Education and Health Promotion
• Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, with a concentration in Food and Tourism Management
• Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology
• Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness, with a concentration in Healthy Aging
Master of Science in Obesity Prevention and Management
• Master of Public Health offered by the University of Minnesota, hosted by ASU
More information about each degree can be found at