Lecture: 'Water in the West'

Wallace S. Broecker, the Newberry Professor of Geology in the Department of English and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, will present “Water in the West” – a public lecture from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Oct. 15, in Carson Ballroom in Old Main, on the Tempe campus.

With an introduction by ASU President Michael Crow, the lecture will touch on Broecker’s recent book “Fixing Climate” – co-written with science journalist Rob Kunzig – and his ideas for removing carbon dioxide from the air by capturing and storing it underground.

Climate models are ambiguous regarding how the buildup of fossil fuel carbon dioxide will impact the American West. Water supplies have been extremely sensitive to past climate changes, and future changes are likely to bring severe shortages.

For more information and to RSVP by Oct. 7, visit http://asuwallybroecker.eventbrite.com