Lecture on 'Black Holes that Shine'

Can a black hole shine? Mark Richardson, an astrophysics graduate student at Arizona State University, will address that question in a free lecture at 7 p.m., Feb. 10 in the Bateman Physical Sciences Center F-173, Tempe campus.
The lecture is titled “Black Holes That Shine: Uncovering a Mystery.”
Richardson says, “A black hole is a region of space that is so densely compact that not even light can escape. Since the first prediction of their existence in the 18th century, black holes have captivated scientists and the public alike.
“I will discuss the history of black holes, describing their origins and the surprising results from their first discoveries, particularly the unexpected result that they were among the brightest objects ever seen! I will then demonstrate how this is possible, and how the subsequent observations painted a new picture for the evolution of galaxies.”
Telescopes will be set up after the lecture for sky viewing. For more information about the lecture and future astronomy events at ASU, go to http://sese.asu.edu/content/astronomy-public-lecture.