Kornhauser's tax project praised on blogs

Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law's Professor Marjorie Kornhauser's Tax Literacy Project has received recent good press on various blogs, thanks to Linda Beale, Director of Graduate Studies and a tax professor at Wayne State University Law School.

The project is a "non-partisan effort to informally educate the public about taxes through popular methods such as Web-based games and other Internet activities," according to Beale's July 23 post at ataxingmatter.blogs.com.

"We are frighteningly ignorant, as a society, about how tax works, why it works that way, and what other possibilities there are," Beale wrote. "And as a consequence of that ignorance, it is all too easy for citizens to be in the dark about the consequences of tax legislation under discussions, for lobbyists to influence members of Congress to vote in their favor on bills (the public won't know the difference), and for members of Congress to fail to fully inform their constituents about the tax issues they are voting on...

"So, I'm glad to see Marjorie Kornhauser's project take off," she wrote.

To read the full post, click here.

Janie Magruder, Jane.Magruder@asu.edu
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law