Karin briefs state council committee on work-life policy initiatives

Marcy Karin, Associate Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Work-Life Policy Unit of the Civil Justice Clinic, promoted the unit’s mission and work during a recent meeting of a committee of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging.

Addressing the Mature Workforce Committee on July 8, Karin discussed the Clinic’s recent representation of the Twiga Foundation on the States as Employers-of-Choice Project, and the types of matters and clients accepted by the Clinic. She also explained the interest of non-profit clients in increasing access to employment supports for the mature workforce, the impact of the aging population on the national work-life conversation, and the crafting of thoughtful public policies to support that workforce.

The Committee works to ensure Arizona has opportunities for workers to remain self-sufficient and supports business growth and development in light of an aging workforce.

Karin supervises and instructs student attorneys working on behalf of clients in the Civil Justice Clinic. Her research interests include workplace law, policy, and practice, civil justice and litigation and women’s legal history. Karin is an active member of the national work-life law and policy community. She is regularly invited to speak about the role of thoughtful public policy in this area, and is listed in the Sloan Network’s Who’s Who in Work and Family.

To read more of the Clinic’s work with the Twiga Foundation, click here.

Janie Magruder, Jane.Magruder@asu.edu
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law