Jumpstarting STEM Careers workshop provides training, support

Whether you aspire to be an academic professor or industry professional, you need communication, writing, funding and management skills.
Jumpstarting STEM Careers workshop is a two-day event developed to provide a range of individuals, most especially women and minorities, training and support to increase their success in establishing a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). If you have graduate-level training in a STEM field and will soon be applying for an academic or industry position or are at the early stages of your career, you will benefit from this targeted career enrichment training.
The workshop, previously known as the Forward to Professorshiop workshop, will be held on Jan. 13-14, 2012, in the Memorial Union's Alumni Room, MU 202, on ASU's Tempe campus. Scientist Page Baluch developed the ASU event, expanded from last year, supported by a National Science Foundation ADVANCE/PAID grant. Baluch is the manager of the W. M. Keck Bioimaging Facility in the School of LIfe Sciences and president of the Central Arizona Chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS). She worked in partnership with Valerie Stout, an associate professor in ASU's School of LIfe Sciences, and the Forward to Professorship team at George Washington, Gallaudet and Ottawa Universities.
Speakers in 2012 include ASU President Michael Crow; Zena Werb, a professor with the University of California, San Francisco; Susan Fitzpatrick, vice president of the James S. McDonnell Foundation; Elizabeth Pennisi, science writer and editor with the journal Science, in addition to a wide range of distinguished academic and professional participants.
Registration Deadline: December 25, 2011
Seats are limited. To apply: http://awis-caz.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Application-Form-JSC2012.pdf
Among those who will benefit most from this workshop are:
• postdoctoral associates searching for positions
• individuals in academic contract positions
• individuals in industry interested in entering academia
• doctoral students nearing completion of their Ph.D. or searching for positions
For more information contact Page Baluch: PAGE.BALUCH@asu.edu, (480) 727-0725
To see the 2011 program: http://sols.asu.edu/rti/f2p.php.