Help ASU's MakerBox win the 2014 CGI U Commitments Challenge

MakerBox, a Commitment to Action made by Arizona State University student Bryan Azeka at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), has been selected to compete in the CGI U Commitments Challenge. As part of the challenge, teams are encouraged to raise money through crowdfunding for their individual commitments. The deadline to raise money to qualify for the next round is noon (Arizona time), March 13.

One of only 32 student teams among hundreds, and the only ASU team selected to participate in the challenge, MakerBox is aimed at providing a mobile creative space with the help of a recycled shipping container that promotes entrepreneurial ventures and STEM education in the world’s under-developed regions.

The CGI U Commitments Challenge encourages 32 selected student teams to compete to crowdfund their commitments focused on one of CGI U’s five key areas: poverty alleviation; environment and climate change; education; peace and human rights; and public health. In an “NCAA March Madness”-esque fashion, the 16 shortlisted teams that raise the most funds in the initial round will compete in the final bracket to fund their CGI U Commitments to Action. President Bill Clinton will announce the ultimate winner during the conference on March 22 in Tempe.

A MakerBox will be a recycled shipping container that consists of a variety of textile, mechanical and technological equipment. The venture will focus on the creation, logistics, maintenance and operation of creative space that will allow entrepreneurs in under-developed regions in the world to work on their innovative ventures.

“We saw a real need for a space that was useful and readily available for budding entrepreneurs in the world’s developing regions, who have brilliant ideas but not necessarily the resources to bring them to life,” said Azeka, who is pursuing his master's in Global Technology and Entrepreneurship at ASU's Polytechnic campus. “Our aim is to provide them equipment that can be difficult to locate in the most economically deprived locations.”

As an end goal, MakerBox hopes to promote education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, thereby alleviating poverty. The team will continue to have interaction with areas where the MakerBox will be deployed to ensure personal mentorship, training and maintenance to sustain long-term success.

Each student team will keep the funds raised during the crowdfunding campaign to help develop their commitments. The individual donation limit is $100.

To help MakerBox win the CGI U Commitments Challenge and become a reality, make your donation here:

More information regarding the 2014 CGI U Commitments Challenge can be found here: