Global Institute of Sustainability announces upcoming speakers series

<p>To engage public dialogue about the mounting challenges that must be addressed to create a sustainable world, the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University (ASU) is announcing the 2009-2010 slate of distinguished speakers for its Wrigley Lecture Series on Sustainability.</p><separator></separator><p>The 2009 – 2010 speakers are:</p><separator></separator><p><b>Craig Cogut</b>, Co-Managing Partner/Founder, Pegasus Capital Advisors<br />Monday, November 9, 2009 (12:30pm) at the Global Institute of Sustainability, Room 101<br />Copenhagen, Schwarzenegger, a Merchant Bank, and Pallets: What Do They Have in Common?<br />See flyer for more information on <a href="; target="_blank">Craig Cogut</a></p><separator></separator><p><b>John Hofmeister</b>, CEO/Founder, Citizens for Affordable Energy; (Retired President, Shell Oil Co.)<br />Wednesday, November 18, 2009 (12:30pm) at the Global Institute of Sustainability, Room 101<br />Why We Hate the Oil Companies<br />See flyer for more information on <a href="…; target="_blank">John Hofmeister</a></p><separator></separator><p><b>Jason Clay</b>, Senior Vice President of Market Transformations, World Wildlife Fund<br />Wednesday, January 20, 2010; time, location, and topic forthcoming</p><separator></separator><p><b>Frances Westley</b>, J.W. McConnell Chair of Social Innovations, University of Waterloo, Canada<br />Tuesday, February 9, 2010; time, location, and topic forthcoming</p><separator></separator><p><b>Cynthia Rosenzweig</b>, Senior Scientist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University<br />Thursday, February 18, 2010; time, location, and topic forthcoming</p><separator></separator><p>The Wrigley Lecture Series brings renowned global thought leaders from academia, nongovernmental organizations, business, and government, to ASU to engage the community in discussions on the pressing challenges in sustainability.</p><separator></separator><p>Wrigley Lectures create provocative conversations and are “standing room only”; previous lecturers include: Sir Crispin Tickell (Oxford University); Janine Benyus (Biomimicry Institute); Jared Diamond (University of California-Los Angeles); Hunter Lovins (Natural Capitalism Solutions); and Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom (Indiana University, Bloomington and School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, ASU).</p><separator></separator><p>“The Wrigley Lecture Series provides a remarkable opportunity to participate in conversations at the forefront of current thinking on sustainability issues and solutions. Each speaker in the Series is breaking new ground, often in controversial and unconventional ways,” said Rob Melnick, executive dean, Global Institute of Sustainability.<br /> <br />The Wrigley Lecture Series is funded through the generous support of Julie Ann Wrigley and hosted by ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability.</p><separator></separator><p>Seating is limited and reservations are required. Receptions to follow lectures.</p><separator></separator><p>RSVP to: <b><br /></b>For Cogut Lecture: <a href="">WrigleyLectureRSVP_Cogut@asu.e… />For Hofmeister Lecture: <a href="">WrigleyLectureRSVP_Hofmei…;