Furnish keynote speaker at judicial conference

Dale Furnish, Emeritus Professor of Law, delivered the keynote address at the Navajo Nation’s Annual Judicial Conference on Nov. 2 in Phoenix.
Furnish spoke on the topic, “Assertive Jurisdiction, Civil Proceedings and Navajo Judicial Sovereignty,” which refers the movement of Congress to assign criminal cases to the federal courts system, but keep civil cases with the tribal courts.
Furnish has taught courses on Contracts, Secured Transactions and other Uniform Commercial Code topics, Creditor-Debtor, Bankruptcy, Mexican (Comparative) Law and NAFTA. He has an international reputation for his work in comparative law and International commercial and trade law, as well as U.S. commercial law. Furnish was elected a Supernumerary Member of the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law in 2003.